Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

The Item property retrieves a specified Program object.


objPrograms.Item(varIndex) As Program



[in]  Specifies the object to retrieve. This parameter must be a numerical index in the range from 0 to Programs.Count minus 1.

Error Codes

If the property fails, an error is raised and Err.Number is set to a value other than zero.

Return Values

This property returns a Program object.


This property is the default member of the object, and you do not need to specify the property name when you retrieve it.

Example Code

' Retrieve the 25th item in the collection.
Dim objProgram As Program
objProgram = objPrograms.Item(24)
' The following is equivalent, because this is the default property.
objProgram = objPrograms(24)

See Also